Good point smidday 3!!!!!!!
if the Watchtower can investigate the child abuse with a committee before they have two Witnesses they can let the police investigate child abuse before there are two witnesses.
so my question to them is why have they continually failed to report incidents of child sexual abuse of child members in their congregations to the appropriate authorities ,either police or child protection agency`s, when they are holding judicial committees into these allegations in their congregations when they occur or even some time after ?.
they have consistently failed to do so.. and this failure to do so is not confined to one country ,it is a pattern that is repeated worldwide ,in one country after another country .
(worldwide where they operate in ).
Good point smidday 3!!!!!!!
if the Watchtower can investigate the child abuse with a committee before they have two Witnesses they can let the police investigate child abuse before there are two witnesses.
i was in my old stomping ground a couple of months ago and happened to be walking past the home of an old family friend.
word is in the hall that i used to go to is that "i am one of them" meaning apostate.
no one from my old hall has contacted me to find out what happened.
Yes, Truth seeker I know the feeling, out just weird that they don't even ask, don't even TRY to help. They have been made to fear the "bogeyman"...
All of a sudden and it seems they have no brain.
interesting development in russia... according to this article on youtube, it appears that children that are subjected to being involved in banned social or religious groups can be removed from their parents..
It is definitely a sad situation, made even harder by what I am sure WT will "promote".. Just like WT did in Malawi, encouraging people to die for the sake of not buying "card."
WT uses and abuses while they live very snuggly in MY in their "castle compound."
Hopefully, WT will soon be exposed for their real selves, and people will drop the WT on their own, and have a real family life, one that does not separate members one from the other.
I am hoping, that just like all of us that have left, the propaganda from WT will have less hold, as they do not have indoctrination meeting after propaganda meeting one after the other, pounding the same tired things into their brains.
hello everyone, i haven't posted anything on here for a while and today i just really felt like i needed to get my thoughts together.
(if you don't know me please read some of my previous posts).
so pretty much not much has changed in my life, i'm still living with my parents and going to all the meetings and service.
So sorry Blackwood, sounds like you need a mental break if you are crying every day.. It is a lot easier to think without the pressure.
Can you say you are "taking a vacation" or "break" ? Use that time to just chill.
I agree with the idea I'm just getting your head in the zone and thinking about JW as a business. No emotion just go to the meeting and zone out and read things on the internet and think of it as you do not care about it.
As far as service goes, I would try to get out of that it sounds like that is the biggest pressure on you. What can you do about it? Perhaps you can say you need a break from that too because people ask me questions you cannot answer or deal with and you need a break.
After a time just tell your parents that it is too much pressure on you and you are feeling depressed and it is affecting your health.
Many hugs to you, cha ching
................for all their sinners - but make it mandatory that all j.w.
alleged criminals are promptly reported to the relevant authorities.
problem solved.
Let JWs keep the two witness rule, AFTER they report it to police. God will not kill them for reporting to police.
After all, if someone breaks a window they call the police.
Put this into perspective. How weird would it be if people heard:
"We ABHOR people breaking our windows at the Kingdom Hall..... but will do nothing about it if there are not two witnesses."
They always call police if windows are broken, they do NOT call the police if a child is molested.
Windows? Children? which do they care about the most?
My fave? Punky: "Questions Dumb People Ask..... and if they do, w/be DF'd for!"
interesting development in russia... according to this article on youtube, it appears that children that are subjected to being involved in banned social or religious groups can be removed from their parents..
Interesting development in Russia... According to this article on YouTube, it appears that children that are subjected to being involved in banned social or religious groups can be removed from their parents.
i watch a video on youtube .
at 14:00 they tell that wt take 750 000 $ too a crongregation ... it's so amazing .
The WT is a well oiled, fine tuned money laundering machine. It is no accident that these things happen.
i have thought long and hard about this, you know in those midnight hours.. you will probably string me alive in what i say, but here you go-.
i feel that the jw's do have the truth.
i do agree with the doctrines and biblical exgenesis they propound.i do feel that they have the 'truth' i do understand they are imperfect, and i think they have had to 'refine' their teachings as time has gone on-and change accordingly- i see nothing wrong with this.
Totally, jp... "Jehovah & his organization" repeat, repeat, repeat.... it is now a part of their automatic brain process, and it has now become a part of "the holy scriptures", right?
we are seeking additional details regarding the child sex abuse case in redbluff, ca, around 2005-2007..
see pages 20-22. we are looking for first hand knowledge of these events.
our purpose is to make a compelling argument to officials with the authority to make a difference.. please pm me.. many thanks, cha ching.
Certainly the idea that pedophiles can repent and turn away from sin, is a big problem with Watchtowers abuse policy. Going into past court cases, one can easily see men being appointed over and over, despite repeating their crimes. The Henderson case is an especially grievous example. Henderson was appointed 5 times is a 30 year period.
Gonzalo Compos was also a known molester who was reappointed in a similar pattern as Henderson. Irwin Zalkin has and is handling several of Compos victims in a recent time period.
Between Henderson and Compos we see a pattern of flawed policy from 1964 to present. During Jackson's testimony before the ARC, he acknowledged problems with the Wt's abuse policy. Even with all of this, the Watchtower lawyers are unrelenting in court case after court case.
Finding first hand experiences from people affected, will put a human face on the damage done to real people. Much more persuasive when the account has a human being relating their experience. Reading the black and white on paper is troubling, but the expressions on a persons face, relating the damage done, is much more moving.